I was “first time mom anxious” after my first was born. The first few weeks I would burst into tears randomly, especially anytime I would think about being left alone with Reuben. We had an extremely difficult time with breastfeeding, I felt like a FAILURE, and felt like there was no way I would be able to feed him alone. Miraculously after tongue and lip tie revisions, multiple lactations consultant visits, nipple shields, syringe feeding, bottle feeding, breastmilk and spit up everywhere, pumping, use of a SNS feeder and what seemed like we needed 8 hands to do - Reuben latched on his own at 3 weeks old and I felt empowered but still needed support...
Breathing, developing and setting boundaries for realistic self-care, practicing gratitude, and using movement were all highlighted during the first calendar year of the Momxiety Club Podcast. Today I revisit and recap these tips and practices to help support and guide you into a calmer 2021. Cheers ? to a New Year with less anxiety and stress!
Do you have goals or resolutions for the coming year? Share them via email [email protected] or record a voicemail at join.momxietyclub.com. |
February 2022